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Frequently asked questions

The FAQs provide an overview of the most important topics, covering the frequently asked questions about legal notices and copyright, licensing and group licensing solutions. If you cannot find the answer to your question or you would like further information, please get in contact with us.

Questions on copyright

1. What is protected by copyright?

The individual articles, tables and other contents of EUWID printed publications and the EUWID online services are protected by copyright and are exclusively reserved for the client’s own use and the use of the client’s employees within the scope of the applicable licence at the agreed and specified premises of the client. All rights are reserved. Copyright protection applies worldwide. Infringement of the provisions of copyright regulations constitutes a breach of law entailing civil or criminal prosecution.

2. Does copyright protection only apply to contents when a copyright sign (©) is shown?

No. German law states that copyright protection arises automatically when the work is created. The copyright sign is used occasionally just as a reference but does not in itself result in or provide copyright protection for the work.

3. Does copyright protection also apply for the presentation of work in the Internet?

Yes, because the medium is of no relevance in copyright matters.

4. Are price tables from EUWID printed issues permitted to be scanned and distributed in digital form?

Digital distribution of EUWID price tables by intranet or by E-Mail within a company, throughout a group of companies, or outside a company is not permitted and constitutes an infringement of copyright law.

5. Are price tables permitted to be printed from the Premium section and passed on elsewhere within a company?

The regular and systematic circulation of price tables from the EUWID Premium section is not permitted. Only one copy is permitted to be printed out for the purpose of circulation within the company.

6. Are price tables from the Premium section permitted to be downloaded in digital form and circulated?

Digital distribution of EUWID price tables by intranet or by E-Mail within a company, throughout a group of companies, to customers, or to independent sales representatives is not permitted and constitutes an infringement of copyright law.

7. Are whole EUWID printed issues permitted to be scanned and circulated in digital form?

Digital distribution of EUWID publications by intranet or by E-Mail within a company, throughout a group of companies, or outside a company is not permitted and constitutes an infringement of copyright law.

8. Are contents from EUWID publications permitted to be incorporated into a company's own press review?

The regular and systematic circulation of whole issues or parts thereof is not permitted. Only one copy is permitted to be printed out for the purpose of circulation within the company.
